Nursery Sleep Safety Checklist — Keeping Baby Safe - MOBI USA

Nursery Sleep Safety Checklist — Keeping Baby Safe

Nursery Sleep Safety Checklist — Keeping Baby Safe

The first few months after bringing your baby home can be chaotic, sleepless, and the best moments of your life.


Before you bring your baby home, creating a safe sleeping environment for your little one can help ease the physical burden of parenthood. Having a safe sleep environment for your baby will also allow you to sleep better (when they let you) and more peacefully, knowing your baby is comfortable and protected.


We’ve developed a printable checklist with a PNG and a PDF version for new parents to help make the task of creating a safe sleep environment before and after your baby comes more manageable, and a little less time-consuming.

Nursery Environment and Set-up

• The Baby's nursery or sleeping space is a smoke-free environment


• A high-quality camera with clear video and sound is placed safely on a dresser (where baby           cannot reach) or mounted on a wall to monitor baby while they sleep.


• There are no pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, or bumper pads in the crib or bassinet


• The Mattress is firm and intended for your baby’s sleeping space


• The mattress fits snuggly into the crib with no gaps between the mattress and the sides of the crib.


• The sides of the crib are not drop-down sides.


• The crib or bassinet sheet is fitted, light, and breathable


• The crib is in good condition and has no missing parts or sharp edges


• The crib isn't close to windows, cords, or other potential hazards.


• Windows and Doors are equipped with sensors.


• The room temperature is set between 68- and 72-degrees Fahrenheit   


• Adjustable lighting is present to dim the room while your baby is sleeping and brighten it during     playtime.

Baby Sleep Safety

• Baby is safely placed on their back to sleep


• Baby is wearing correctly fitted clothing and enough layers to keep them warm, but not too many   that they are sweating.


• If your baby is swaddled, the swaddle is used correctly and can not slip up over the baby's mouth or  nose.


• Baby is not left in the crib to sleep with a bottle in their mouth


• Baby is free of jewelry, clips, bows, or any other choking and strangling hazards


The above safe sleep checklist is based on recommendations by the AAP and is not medical advice. Concerns about sleep safety should be addressed with a doctor.


We hope that our safe sleep checklist helps make your parenting journey a little bit easier!


Learn how MOBI's home and health monitoring solutions make parenting easier. These solutions include smart baby cameras, door and window sensors, and more. 


Reach out to us today on Facebook or email us at We are happy to answer any questions you may have about building your smart nursery with MOBI.

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